Bedford Day Surgery and Theatre Procedures

Day Surgery specialises in minor skin procedures

Bedford Day Surgery is a licensed private day procedure centre in accordance with section 89C(4) of the Health Care Act 2008 (SA) and is accredited with Global-Mark for AS/NZS ISO 9001:2016 and NSQHSS (Second Edition) 2017. 

Bedford Day Surgery specialises in minor skin procedures varying from simple punch biopsies, enabling lesions to be diagnosed, to larger excisions and skin grafts.

Skilled surgeons provide theatre procedures to all parts of the body including the face, scalp, chest, hands and feet.  Bedford Day Surgery is open Monday – Friday.

A standard theatre fee of $250 applies for each theatre session (re-excisions no fee within 3 months).  Please be aware this does not include the fee payable to the surgeon for your procedure which is usually paid by your Private Health Insurance company or Medicare.  

If you have Private Health Insurance, eligible procedures will be billed through your private health fund with your permission.  If your private health excess is less than $250, and your procedure is claimable, a refund of your standard theatre fee will be processed and sent to you within a few weeks.

Please see our Post-Operative Care Information Sheet for post-operative advice.

Possible Additional Costs

You may receive an account ($15-35) from the histopathology company for your procedure.

New patients booked directly into theatre

If you are a new patient who has been referred to Bedford Day Surgery for a procedure, time will be allocated in your appointment for the doctor to assess your needs, make recommendations, and then carry out the procedure should you wish to proceed.

You will be billed for a consultation, a theatre fee, and any fees related to the procedure. 

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